Friday January 30, 2015
♫ Flashback Friday UPDATE *!* Last week MY PHONE WAS STOLEN at NAMM ♫
The phone kidnapping/theft scenario was so creepy most friends thought I was kidding LoL But NOPE !!! IT REALLY HAPPENED !!! Exactly as I described at www.facebook.com/notes/tina-hoffman/-where-else-but-namm-can-you-pray-for-a-witch-kidnapping-your-phone-next-minute-/10153078642888120?pnref=story
So now after an entire week of forced phone + text fasting LoL I finally at least have phone calling access again THANKS to my Samson FLIP PHONE ANGEL $PONSOR to the rescue!!!
It's even compatible with my $34 per mo unlimited mobile service that I have been loving since 2013 with my Optimus LG9 phone which was stolen with NAMM exclusive VIP photos and video interviews from 8am til 3pm. So I've been using my 2009 iPod camera with no flash for photos and videos while covering high profile events LoL
I didn't think I could possibly get more creative with utilizing basic low budget technology limitations ...but here I go again LoL I have already discovered many unexpected FLIP PHONE FEATURES that many homeless friends I assist who use similar models were not aware of including internet access + photo effects + photo share (takes 100 xs longer but at least possible LoL)
So once again another Romans 8:28* example of my bad experience transformed into something good for others dejavu 21 years of using leftover broken thrown away cameras, computers and even dial up internet service until just a couple of years ago has resulted in development of improvisational skills to accomplish necessary projects regardless of lack LoL
Not only for myself but also including discovery of creative solutions for others such as the BlesSING of DIY website alternatives for a few local and global charities with no budget including in Africa where they only have dial up internet BTW still working 10 yrs later after everyone else told them it was impossible.
* "We are assured and know that ALL things work together and are fitting into a plan for good to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose." Romans 8:28 "With God ALL things are possible" Matthew 19:26 &;-) ♪♫ >♥< ♪♫

From: Tina Hoffman <tina4music@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 6:24 PM
Subject: ♫ My phone was kidnapped at NAMM yesterday ♫ Where else but NAMM can you pray for a witch kidnapping your phone next minute in worship concert ♫
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 6:24 PM
Subject: ♫ My phone was kidnapped at NAMM yesterday ♫ Where else but NAMM can you pray for a witch kidnapping your phone next minute in worship concert ♫
♫ It's a good thing I at least have a few photo memories of this unique experience compliments of the self proclaimed "witch but not satanic" phone kidnapper LoL or else I would have totally woke up today thinking I was just dreaming... a nightmare ! LoL
Instead I know it is real since I am REALly missing my phone ALREADY LoL and without budget to replace &;-(
So if any of my angel friends happen to have an extra phone I can borrow until I can afford to replace please private message or email Tina4Music@Yahoo.Com.
Or if anyone can donate I can provide a 501C-3 tax deductible charity receipt through a non profit offering to umbrella any gifts or donations delegated to MenagerieEntertainment.Com since the organization is familiar by observing and benefiting from my solo independent efforts to "collaborate talent and resources for local and global life enhancement projects and community celebration events" since the 1970s with consistent history of OBVIOUSLY making NO PROFIT LoL
&;-) ♪♫ >♥< ♪♫
Day one at The NAMM Show after a friend texted asking if she could come to the luxury suite where I was enJOYing some amazing photography and modeling tips from a high profile award winning entertainment and portrait photographer with a lot in common including relation to a mutual celebrity friend but regardless I was about to text back that I would be leaving soon since there was so much I wanted to explore at the convention but was never able to send that text since my phone mysteriously disappeared into nowhere right after I placed it down for just a second.
She kept insisting that I couldn't leave since she wanted to introduce me to an extremely fashionable, talented and popular musician on his way over so I think she hid my phone thinking I would stay until I found it since she saw all of accumulated NAMM photos in the gallery she knew I needed for my coverage and was so impressed she invited me to be her assistant at the TEC Awards but to her surprise instead that was a red flag for me to get out asap...then to top it off she told me she was "a witch but not satanic" and proceeded to show me goddess rings with humungus precious gems and thick heavy real gold dragons she designs and insisted that she try on my as she described "exceptionally long model fingers" as another attempt to distract me from continuing to look for my phone.
When that still didn't stop me from getting up to leave, she forcefully began shouting that I needed to stop looking and then the goddesses would just simply make it appear so I took this opportunity to pray to my own God out loud for BlesSINGs upon her and her family and her photography business and then the musician arrived and as she opened the door I quickly stepped out while politely greeting him and headed toward the elevator and since the maid was in the room directly across within listening distance, the disappointed phone kidnapper decided to follow me down the hall to the elevator stumbling all the way while verbally staging announcements with terminology trying to give the impression that she wanted me to leave LoL The look on the maid's face was priceless as she just rolled her eyes and laughed as tho this was not the first time observing unusual incidents and sounds from THAT room LoL
I never entered the elevator as she was expecting and instead darted into the closest room and asked a different maid to call security managers to strategize how they could help me go back in for another attempt to search confirming it was definitely no where near where I was sitting and I asked them to hide around the corners of corridors for possible back up if needed LoL
Since that effort to search again while also at the same time trying to reason with the by then extremely intoxicated phone kidnapper was a fail LoL as I proceeded to document the incident with security and the concierge as I got to the part in the story about the rings I noticed I still had that one on !!! So I immediately yanked it off and asked the same security to return it to her room which they did.
OMG I sure wish THIS visual could have been on film to add to my NAMM coverage www.menagerieentertainment.com/namm_2015 LoL otherwise anyone who doesn't know me might find it hard to believe !!! LoL In spite of being accustomed to similarly unusual and risky encounters for as long as I can remember... it is even hard for me to believe myself... even in the midst of while it was actually happening... to myself LoL
Immediately from there I stepped out of the elevator directly right back into the event trying to trace my steps to at least try to re-shoot anything possible with my back up ipod while trying to remember all of the photo locations even tho event highlight moments were now gone along with my phone.
Instead and unexpectedly I almost literally bumped into a long time friend producer and DJ + music video director of www.JUCETV.Org positive youth channel filming the "House of Worship" rehearsal with the Pastor of Hope Joel Osteen Lakewood Worship Band and Israel Houghton aka much appreciated God Wink inspiration in opposite spectrum contrast to what I had just experienced only moments before aka The Heaven after the hell LoL
So where else but at NAMM can you be in a room praying for a witch and then the next rehearsal for a worship concert ? LoL
Here's a hint ºoº ♪♫>♥<♪♫ LoL
It was also a BlesSING while leaving there to receive the comfort of guaranteed transportation assistance if I wasn't able to connect with my carpooling angel friends since I now had no phone to collaborate meet up locations and times with them or any other previously arranged meetings with industry friends who were expecting me to call or text
Even before this I had been experiencing obstacles to attend without a budget for the gas and parking expense but was able to make arrangements to get a ride from my talented songwriter musician friend "Voxy" from where I could park miracle mobile just a few blocks away and then another angel friend manager of www.MoxyAndTheInfuence.Com gave me a ride back. I enJOYed the inspirational conversation I wouldn't have otherwise experienced if not for my need for a ride and their generosity to inconvenience themselves to accommodate. And I doubt if they will ever experience another entertaiment industry story like they heard from me any time soon LoL
NEXT DAY aka NAMM Day 2 unable to attend due to phone issues...
♫ It's a good thing I at least have a few photo memories of this unique experience compliments of the self proclaimed "witch but not satanic" phone kidnapper LoL or else I would have totally woke up today thinking I was just dreaming... a nightmare ! LoL Instead I know it is real since I am REALly missing my phone ALREADY LoL and without budget to replace &;-( ... So if any of my angel friends happen to have an extra phone I can borrow until I can afford to replace please private message or email Tina4Music@Yahoo.Com. And if anyone can donate I can provide a 501C-3 tax deductible charity receipt through a non profit offering to umbrella any gifts or donations delegated to MenagerieEntertainment.Com since the organization is familiar by observing and benefiting from my solo independent efforts to "collaborate talent and resources for local and global life enhancement projects and community celebration events" since the 1970s with consistent history of OBVIOUSLY making NO PROFIT LoL
No wonder so many say I should write a book and movie SERIES !!! LoL
In the meantime all of my notebooks full of songs inspiring visualization are awaiting musicial collaboration and then production of the music videos that will be a preview of the books and movies currently in construction at www.menagerieentertainment.com/tina_hoffman
For anyone especially without luxury of relaxing circumstances to effectively articulate and compose memories, recollections and stories I recommend www.Hostbaby.Com website design wizard templates that include blog features that allow you to insert your diary or journal in time order as you gradually remember
I also recently began to share and print out instruuctions for composing an autobiography at www.lifetimememoriesandstories.com_ebooks_WritingAnAutobiography for inclusion in the Traveling Love & Care Package gifts I distribute to the homeless www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.586108728101985&type=1 and also "jail mail" to encourage those incarcerated in adult and juvenile facilities. www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.811929708853218&type=1
And I have been receiving positive feedback with notification of the beneficial results of self realization in addition to life lessons and elevated insight for increased accurate perceptions and perspective experienced by family, friends and beyond. Please notify me if you discover any other autobiography manuals that you prefer.
I originally posted this note this morning but it mysteriously disappeared without any document back up or ability to retreive =;-0
but as usual ALL of the MANY times that happens the next version includes several significant additions that would have otherise been left out
PM if you can relate ?!?!? LoL
Much Love & BlesSINGs !!!
&;-) ♪♫ >♥< ♪♫
♫ Collaborating talent and resources for life enhancement projects and community celebration events www.MenagerieEntertainment.com
♫ Menageriezine Newsletter www.menagerieentertainment.com/menageriEzine_newsletter
If you need a tow truck it might as well look like this *!* lol
Last night on my way to CBS Studios MIRACLE MOBILE died in HOL YWOOD
resulting in unexpected $100 out of pocket cost for 9 miles beyond my Allstate auto club tow mileage limit.
That was after sitting on the narrow 101 fwy Melrose off ramp shoulder in the dark with dead alternator aka no flashing warning lights from 530-9pm
The first 1.5 hours was spent trying to explain to Allstate phone operator in India and then his supervisor with same language challenged barriers ...that my membership was NOT inactive...then after that challenge FINALLY over...they couldn't understand where I was located ....so put me on hold at least 10 times while they were trying to search
I literally had to spell every word throughout the entire torturous conversation praying that my phone battery would last while looking through my rear view mirror thanking God for every car that didn't hit me while passing by super fast and CLOSE
Then it took another 1.5 hrs for the HOLLYWOOD CAR CARRIER tow company to arrive
WHEW !!!
This was a purrrfect opportunity to practice what I just preached to someone else yesterday.
Try to think of something GOOD about every unpleasant situation...
"All things work out for the good of those who Love The Lord and are called to His Purpose" Romans 8:28
HUMMM????,,,lol ... ok well....
#1 This is contributing to income for the tow company and drivers they employ
#2 contributing to FUNding the city of HOLLYWOOD since they receive taxes from the tow company
#3 opportunity to practice Patience, Faith and adaptability
#4 opportunity for 2 hours of spiritual conversation with tow driver who shared his appreciation since unable to attend church due to economy recently forcing him to work xtra hours for this company to compensate for
loss of his own tow business
Now I am waiting to find out how much $$$ it will be for Jaguar Angel Fredi to fix the alternator
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